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Those 3 Girls

Erik Hatch

When I was a youth director, I had 3 girls in my youth group (well, I had more than 3…). These young ladies were 3 of my absolute favorites. They were immensely involved, totally sweet, absurdly passionate, and all around great young women. I was (and still am) thrilled to call them friends.

And I remember going on several mission trips together. When we would go on any trips, it would be a cell phone/iPad/technology-free zone. We were forced to spend all hours of the day (minus sleeping) actually conversing – face to face. I know, sounds horrible…

One of our late night talks involved the 4 of us. I saw these 3 high school girls as the crème of the crop. They were smart, funny, mature, faith-filled, and so much more. And yet each of them was so heartbroken that no boys seemed even remotely interested in them. It didn’t make sense to me…but then I remembered what teenage boys are like.

Now if you’re a teenage boy and you’re reading this…I have a little news for you: most of you just don’t get it. I started typing out some big ol’ fancy words, but then I remembered who I was speaking to. So simply put, most of you have priorities way out of order and you’re terribly immature (as someone who was once a teenage boy that met that description, I am allowed to say that).

But those 3 girls had no boys interested in them (at least at that point in their lives). They were 3 absolute treasures – and yet they hadn’t been discovered (at least they hadn’t been discovered by their testosterone-driven classmates).

So our conversation looked like this:

Erik: You ladies are 3 of the best people I know. You have everything going for you, but your male peers are too dumb to see it just yet…but they will.

3 girls: That’s a buncha bunk, Hatch.

Erik: Seriously – there will come a time when all of a sudden guys will start noticing you. After that point, you’re going to be swarmed by dudes. But I know and trust that God has someone great planned for you…just give it some time.

3 girls: But it’s so frustrating!

Erik: I know it is. But trust that God knows what He’s doing.

3 girls: You’re so wise and wonderful, Hatch (at least that’s how I remember it in my head)

Fast forward 6 years. These girls have graduated college. The ‘boys’ in their lives have grown into men. And whatdayaknow: 2 of them are engaged to be married and the other 1 is already happily married.

Their fiancés/husband? God loving, gentle men. It turns out God knew what He was doing all along.

I had their 2 ‘save-the-date’ cards arrive in my mailbox recently, and I was reminded of that conversation some 6 years ago. God took His time in answering those prayers…amidst heartache, doubt, fear, and timidity.

I guess God knew what He was doing all along. Maybe we’re supposed to wait a bit for the things we really desire. I think of the spoiled kid who gets everything he/she wants…they never learn what it’s like to go without and they feel entitled to most everything.

So if you’re anxious about what isn’t working in your life – trust that God knows what He’s doing. Having everything you want will not mean that you’ll be happy. True happiness and joy comes from loving what you have and showing gratitude for everything.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

Erik Hatch

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