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About Erik
About Erik
Erik Hatch is an entrepreneur, public speaker, do-gooder, social media expert, and leader extraordinaire. Erik owns 18 companies that are built for the empowerment of those team members. His largest ventures include Hatch Realty, Hatch Coaching, & Abovo.
The Erik Hatch Team of Hatch Realty has gone on to rank as the #49 real estate team in the United States. Erik is said to have the Midas touch - everything he touches turns to gold. Additionally, Erik has helped to build 2 different non-profit movements in the last decade that have helped to raise over 2.75 million dollars.
Erik is bad at golf, great at eating bacon, and wonderful at losing his hair. His purpose in life is to be a chapter in as many people's books as possible.
Hire Erik
“Erik has facilitated leadership workshops and delivered speaking engagements at Microsoft in Fargo. He is dynamic, engaging, relatable, and always aligns with the purpose and mission of the session. Erik brings authentic leadership, a sense of humor and a passion for others every time he engages with a group.”
"Erik's speaking is incredible. Real life, passionate message about his successes as well as challenges, had us all at the edge of our seat grasping for more. He related to our group very well and by the end created so much enthusiasm, people wanted to get back at their desk to start utilizing some of his methods, including social media, to achieve their goals. Erik impacts lives while helping us to be remarkable. The standing ovation was well deserved!"
"I have been able to interact and experience all that is Erik Hatch across many different platforms. Whether it's listening to him speak, engaging in a cup of coffee, chuckling over his social media humor, admiring his marketing engagement messaging, following in his sales and retention methods or just capturing his energy, I can only explain this person as one of a kind and inspiring. I have met many dynamic people that share some of these attributes and successes, but not many that share his genuine service-orientated core value. At first impression, most would think "gimmick" but I can attest that everything Hatch does, and is about, there is a divine goal to help others succeed in life and business. Absorb and cherish what Hatch has to say because it comes from the heart, oh and by the way it's always fun and full of bacon!"
"Erik was, without doubt, the highlight of our summit. He had our team captivated from the moment he began. Not only is Erik motivational, but his priority of being vulnerable as a person and leader is so sincere. The momentum of his presentation has changed perceptions of our team (for the better) and we are continuing to benefit from his presentation. Erik is incredibly witty, but also genuine. We hired him back the following year! "
"In 2017, Erik Hatch was the opening speaker and MC for the Fargo Public Schools teacher and support staff “ Back to School” gathering. Over 1500 people listened while he welcomed them back to school. Erik commanded the attention of the audience by engaging them in real-life stories of life’s purpose and the significance of the work they do each day to educate the youth of our community. People related to his stories as he talked about the challenges life presents while at the same time sending a message of hope for the future. He contends that “life can be a hot mess” however, as, with all things in life, there is a silver lining which can affect a positive mindset in all of us. Erik was the perfect person at the ideal time to set a positive tone for the school district as we opened the doors to 11,000 students across our community!"
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